So here I am on an island where rituals are still the way of life. Little did I imagine that in this age of technology, people still live up to traditions and culture is still very much upheld. Or maybe I haven't seen much of this world. The Balinese are very strong in their belief of Hinduism and very much belong to the earth and mother nature. I see it as a combination of Hindu and paganism, and I see ritualistic prayers all the time throughout my stay.
I am not sure if I enjoyed what I saw, but I'm sure to like the different way of life and the diversity of culture even in this. malay archipelago. And i am certainly amazed by hiw much they love mother nature, the earth, which is very much ignored today by us all as men race towards modernisation and only think of digging its richness, raping every part abd every bit if this earth.
A driver who drives me aroung tells me that they have a soecial ceremonial day once a year where everyone is to stay indoor. No one is to go out, or work or do anything at all. All businesses are closed. Even the airport in Bali is closed on this day, and no planeses are to fly in and out of the island on thus day. For24 hours, all vehicles are not to move, all people are not to go out.
The day is called "Hari Nyepi".
I did ask him, what if someone in the household is sick or needs to be rushed to the hospital during this time. He told me that of course, there are allowable exceptions.
"Hari Nyepi" is celebrated to honour the mother nature who has given so much to men throughout the year. We live by its resources. Its plants, animals, water, and so forth. So there is one soecial day dedicated to earth where men do not do anything to earth. As simple as that.
Indeed, it is amazing. And why should we not care for something we love?